September 16, 2024 | Blog

Drive-Thru Trends and the Factors Fuelling Consumer Enjoyment

Drive-thru Trends: Exploring the Factors Fuelling Consumer Enjoyment 

Speed and convenience are the reasons consumers visit their favourite fast-food restaurant, and with the introduction of drive-thrus in the 80’s, the ability to stay in one’s car when ordering created a whole new fast-food experience. Fast forward to 2024 and approximately 15% of the population reported that they ate fast food once a week.   

As per their intention, drive-thru services create a different experience than in-store, and with advancing technologies in the restaurant sector such as touchscreen and app delivery, drive-thrus continue to stay active with their evolution. From drive up, in-person ordering to microphone systems, paper to digital menus, multiple lanes, staff headsets, advanced meal prep and cooking time, traditional till systems to PoS, contactless payment, click and collect… the list of progressions is ever changing to stay relevant with what symbolises speed and convenience. 

The Search to Occupy Space 

Since the pandemic, the popularity for brands to support drive-thrus is currently at a 10-year high. Analysts say there’s a race for space, and in a recent article by Savills, drive-thrus in outer cities have increased by 33%. The market has become fiercer, and as a result, headline rents have increased by 25.9% for the average 55 ft2 premises.  

According to an article by World Coffee Portal, Costa and Starbucks continue to be the most active.  Costa is the coffee market leader opening 41 sites in the last 12 months reaching over 316, while Starbucks have 284, opening 14. Tim Hortons is ramping up its drive-thru presence with 55 locations.  

The traditional fast-food restaurants are not the only ones looking to occupy space. According to a recent article in The Guardian, Leon and Five Guys are already starting their drive-thru journey. With 2,256 drive-thrus across Great Britain and current takings of just over £2.5 billion, it has never been a better time for food and beverage businesses to expand their offering. 

Innovations in Drive-Thrus 

A recent article in CNN Business shared insights into the latest innovations with which companies are experimenting. Smart menu boards are set to simplify the selection process, automating order and payment, along with advancing facial recognition for payment. Most innovations are driven by speed of order and payment, with McDonald’s reducing service time by 30 seconds per customer. Mobile ordering has also been a revelation with customers who are still happy to get in the car but want to eliminate the ordering process so they can arrive to collect their meals instantly.  

Touch screens are also an innovation to watch out for, along with voice-recognition systems, where multiple customers can order at once; delighting customers who sometimes drive passed a drive-thru and are deterred by the line of cars during peak trading hours. Vegan and vegetarian options are also on the rise, with restaurants aiming to have their order done just as quickly as the rest of the menu, avoiding those extra minutes allocated in parking areas.  

AI is also slowly being adopted by American company Popeyes in the UK who successfully trialled the technology that uses a digital voice in a conversational way to take orders.  According to an article in MCA-Insights, Popeyes recorded a 97% accuracy rating with customer ordering, zero complaints, and a high score with a mystery diner. AI will no doubt further its influence in the sector as technology advances.  

What Can Vista Do? 

At Vista Technology Support, we provide the IT solutions that businesses need for an exceptional drive-thru customer experience, including renowned drive-thru giant Costa and the largest restaurant chain in the world.  

If you are looking to expand your drive-thru offering, we can help you with your Technology Transformation Projects, IT Service Desk Support, and ongoing IT Support Services. We have years of experience and in-depth knowledge of the hospitality sector, so you can rely on us for a complete service that matches your requirements. 

Contact our experienced drive-thru technology experts today to see how Vista Technology Support can assist you in your Drive-thru expansion: 0330 135 5795 |