September 28, 2022 | Blog, ESG

Toy Story – The Toybox Project

Every now and again you come across a social initiative that is so special that you just have to get involved.

A few months ago we were introduced to James Morgan and learnt about the amazing work he is doing at the Toybox Project.  James in a GP practice manager and had encountered a growing number of children that didn’t have access to toys and books.  As a result, James took the initiative to address this and set up the Toybox Project where people can donate new or used toys (in good and working condition).  James and his team gather the donated toys and distribute as packages to families that cannot afford to buy their own.

When the team at Vista heard about this,  we were keen to support and help out,  We asked James what sort of toys he required; he had a lot of stock for babies but was short on toys for older children.

Vista ordered over £500 worth of toys listed on the Toybox Project website and also asked colleagues to donate new and used toys.  The response was overwhelming and as a team we managed to fill a Vista van with toys, books, footballs and rugby balls.

On the night of delivery, the importance of the Toybox Project was clear to see.  James had just helped a family that had been re-homed, the children had nothing and he invited them to help themselves to toys from the shop.  The family were so appreciative and the children left with bags full of toys and books.

James Morgan commented

“We are thrilled to have the support of James and the team at Vista, where we are blown away at the sheer number of toys they donated. So grateful and still a little speechless. Due to growing demand for our service, we have already rehomed a large amount of the toys to families in need, community groups and schools. More people and organisations are struggling to purchase their toys. Thank you again, it means so much to us and those who receive the toys”

James Pepper, CEO also commented

“We are really proud to support James and the team at the Toybox Project.  It’s such a great initiative, Toys contribute significantly to a child’s development, there are also many physical and mental health benefits gained through play. We provided a wide range of toys which I am sure will provide the children who receive them with hours of entertainment”.